Monday 13 May 2013

The Seven Sacaraments of the Catholic Church

The Seven Sacaraments of the Catholic Church are:
Annointing of the Sick

Baptism is a sacarament, where the person is made free from sin, and is made a part of the Catholic church.

Confirmation is when a person is taught and properly recognised as a Catholic and Gods child.

Reconciliation or Penance is when a person is rid of there sins.

Eucharist is when a person first receives bread and wine which is changed into jesus body and blood. This is what Jesus had at His Last Supper.

Marriage is when two people who love eachother are joined forever by a priest. They vow to love and care for eachother till death do them part.

Annointing of the Sick is done by a priest to somebody who is sick, dying or is going into a risky surgery. This is done by blessing the person and they are annoited with oil.\

Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion (Eucharist) are the 3 main sacaraments of initiation.