Monday 13 May 2013

The Seven Sacaraments of the Catholic Church

The Seven Sacaraments of the Catholic Church are:
Annointing of the Sick

Baptism is a sacarament, where the person is made free from sin, and is made a part of the Catholic church.

Confirmation is when a person is taught and properly recognised as a Catholic and Gods child.

Reconciliation or Penance is when a person is rid of there sins.

Eucharist is when a person first receives bread and wine which is changed into jesus body and blood. This is what Jesus had at His Last Supper.

Marriage is when two people who love eachother are joined forever by a priest. They vow to love and care for eachother till death do them part.

Annointing of the Sick is done by a priest to somebody who is sick, dying or is going into a risky surgery. This is done by blessing the person and they are annoited with oil.\

Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion (Eucharist) are the 3 main sacaraments of initiation.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Tribal Initiation Rituals (Incomplete)

Tribal Initiation Rituals
After reading the articles below about initiation ceremonies complete the following questions.
1. Do all ancient cultures have initiation ceremonies?
2. Why do you think a variety of cultures used and even still use initiation ceremonies?
3. Did any of the cultures have any similarities in their initiation ceremonies?
4. Give details
5. Do any of these cultures still celebrate these ceremonies today?
6. Why do you think this is the case?
7. Do all these cultures have initiation rituals/ceremonies that have a spiritual element to them?
8. Design a simple table that shows the comparison of a ritual from each of the cultures shown in the previous post.
Consider the following in your table:
                               Indian                         aboriginal                    Inca 


Many ancient cultures have initiation rites and rituals.
I believe that cultures have initiation rites and rituals because it then considers the person a part of the culture and then the culture can truly see them as a part of them.
Most tribal cultures have similar initiation rites and rituals.
Such as, dance, hunting, body paint.
Aboriginals, African Americans and other tribes, still celebrate these ceremonies today.
I believe that they still do this as it was the way that their ancestors initiated and it’s a bit of ancient culture.
Yes these cultures have initiation ceremonies that have a spiritual element to them.

Catholic Baby Baptism

Monday 25 February 2013

Armchair Tour Of Jesus

Path to the Crucifixion of Jesus
On our first stop Imogen and I walked the path that Jesus walked on his way to his crucifixion. It was pouring down rain which made it that much harder although we weren’t carrying a heavy cross we were struggling. After the 2 hour walk Imogen and I caught a taxi back to our motel, soaking wet, had a shower and went straight to bed, pumped for the day that was ahead of us.

Our visit to Mount Calvary
On our second day of the armchair tour of Jesus, Imogen and I visited Mount Calvary the place in which Jesus was crucified. It was sunny and there was not a cloud in the sky, unlike when we took the path to the crucifixion the day before.
The view was mystical and the sounds of   birds tweeting filled the air. We had never seen anything like it.

The Sea of Galilee
On the third day Imogen and I decided to camp out on the beach so we could spend the whole day at the Sea of Galilee. We jumped in a speed boat and went out to a small reef to go snorkelling. It was magical. Small fish swam below us as we watched down on them in awe.
After about a 1hour of snorkelling we jumped back in the boat and went out farther away from the reef to go fishing for our dinner. We caught our dinner and sped back to shore and made a     small campfire on the beach to cook our dinner, after our delicious dinner of fish we went to bed.
The fourth day
On the fourth day Imogen and I walked around Galilee and shopped a bit. We enjoyed a nice lunch at a small café. We had heard from tourists it was the best café in town, and indeed it was. After our lunch we walked to the beach and went for a relaxing swim in our clothes, making the most of our last day!  

On the last day Imogen and I were going to spend on our tour, we packed early and left our bags at the hotel. We walked to a lookout and watched the sunrise, and boy was it magical. After watching the sunrise for ½ an hour we strolled back to our hotel. Ashleigh, not seeing the tree, walked right into it, leaving a bruise on her left cheek. Imogen was in hysterics and not watching where she was going, tripped on a rock, leaving a bruise on her right arm. It was a memorable way to end our tour! After stopping to catch our breath we walked back to our hotel, grabbed our bags and headed to the airport!